
Live Curious

This is the newest National Geographic Channel's commercial.. I love this..

NGC sedang mengkampanyekan "Live Curious", yes.. we have to live curious... :D :D :D

If you are, you breath.
If you breath, you talk.
If you talk, you ask.
If you ask, you think.
If you think, you search.
If you search, you experience.
If you experience, you learn.
If you learn, you grow.
If you grow, you wish.
If you wish, you find.
If you find, you doubt.
If you doubt, you question.
If you question, you understand.
If you understand, you know.
If you know, you want to know more...
And if you want to know more, you are alive...

~ Mona Luthfina


  1. bagusss ya mon. entah kenapa jadi merinding gitu nonton commercialnya.

  2. iyaaaa..... makin cinta ama NGC.. i declare that NGC is my favourite channel, ever..

  3. hehhe,, mona nih masa' esensi nya makin cinta NGC, kudunya ngrasa.. we have to.. apaaa gitu.. to stay alive *apasih*

  4. iya mona sih, bukan itu esensinya.
    tapi sini aku executive summary kan iklannya.

    if i am alive, i am eat, i am sleep, i am eat, i am sleep, i am eat, and i am going to Inul Vista having a karaoke session.

    i am alive. :-D

  5. @nda: sigh, harus dijelasin lebih lanjut ya? ckckck..

    @beno: ngaco....

  6. tapi commercial discovery channel gag kalah menark juga lho...
    dengan lagu "BOOM DE YADA" alias The world is just awesome
    malah membuat kita lebih mencintai bumi, tempat kita "live curious" tadi....

  7. indeed...

    sebelumnya saya juga sudah pernah post di http://monaluthfina.blogspot.com/2010/04/world-is-just-awesome.html

